Choose the top three.
This tip is for those who
continually try to pack too many things
into one day.
Who gets sidetracked doing unimportant things.
Who feels like they are just running in circles,
never getting to the stuff they want to.
Who gets involved in a big project but then can’t stop
and the other things they need to do get ignored.
Who thinks doing more
is being more.
Who thinks completing a long to-do list each day
gives them more value.
Our to-do list can become
our “slave driver”
instead of
a useful tool.
We can set our expectations way too high
and then feel defeated when we don’t get
every item on our list is done.
We continually overwhelm ourselves
with our to-do list!
We forget to do things like:
eating healthy
communicating with loved ones
spending quality time with our family
or keeping a tidy and organized home.
Here is my tip:
Look at your to-do list
and circle the top three things you want to do.
Put those top three in a place that you can look at frequently.
How would completing those three things make you feel
at the end of the day?
Choose just the most important three.
If you had those three things written down and then did them,
you may feel like it was a successful day,
instead of an undone day.
I am not referring to your regular routines and daily chores;
things like bruising your teeth, doing dishes
or preparing meals.
I am talking about the non-routine items that
keep getting put off.
Things like:
sorting paperwork,
reading then deleting email,
a photo book you want to make,
organizing a closet,
decluttering part of your basement,
listening to a podcast,
or learning a new skill.
Your top three will look different from mine of course.
Here are my three for today:
ONE: Try that new muffin recipe
TWO: Order some new workout pants from Amazon
THREE: Back up my computer
Try underwhelming yourself for a while and
see how you like it.
Slowing down may be just the ticket
to a less stressful, more joyful life!