I still have some decluttering projects left to do in my 3rd Act of Life. But, with my end-point in mind, I know there is more to do before my “final bow” here on earth and my entrance into heaven.
I find that making a master list of all the projects I want to accomplish helps keep me focused and gets me to the finish line of completing what I desire to downsize my possessions.
Yesterday I made a master list. It is on my computer so that I won’t misplace it. I listed all the projects I wanted to complete by the end of the year. It was pretty eye-opening. I am glad I have the list on my laptop desktop, so it will be handy to find when I need it. I believe it will keep me from becoming bogged down or side-tracked.
As far as decluttering, I realized I still have some road ahead of me on this journey. I know I tend to bite off more than I can chew. Having all the projects in clear view helps me see that I don’t have to do them simultaneously and at once.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Having a list helps me prioritize what’s important to me. Freeing up more space is very important to me. Giving my items to people who can make use of them is also very important to me. Finally, being generous is very important to me. Why should I hold onto stuff that others could be using?
FIRST: I surveyed all of my stuff.
I took everything out of my closet and found so much hiding away that I had not turned into projects. I then realized it would never get sold until I have a long-range plan for doing it. It is so easy just to let things slide. I get overbusy and then wake up and realize that another year has passed, and I still have projects I wanted to do that I did not.
SECOND: I made a master list.
There are several projects I want to complete before January 1st of next year. They are now on a Master List with desired completion dates, broken down into actionable steps.
STEP THREE – I set time goals.
The most critical step in making a master list is to set time goals for completion. I feel my goals are realistic, and I feel good that the wheels are in motion to get important stuff done! It feels so wonderful that I have already started my master list for next year. When I complete these projects, I will be one step closer to making my 3rd Act my Best Act! Hooray!
Hopefully, you will sit down soon and make a master list of what you want to accomplish and then set about to do it. I like to keep in mind what my good friend Molly has often reminded me of:
“Life gets in the way of our best plans.”
So make that master plan, or you may find that another year has gone by and your stuff remains sitting in the same place in your home when it should probably be in someone else’s.
I needed this encouragement to get me started on my projects.
Hope you have made some good progress!