- If you are like me, you may have trouble making decisions.
- I grew up having my Dad make most of my decisions for me. For example, he decided where I would go to college, my major, and even what kind of shoes I needed.
- He even planned my entire wedding. I still can’t believe I let him.
- All I had to do was sew my wedding dress and show up. It was easy that way, or so I thought. Unfortunately, I did not learn how to make decisions early in my life, but that is no excuse now.
- The truth is that my lack of decision-making created piles of stuff that should not have remained inside my home.
- I have moved well over twenty times in my married life. Shifting deadlines and the expense of moving an item across the country have always helped me decide on what to keep and what to release.
- But what happens when I don’t have a move coming up? I needed help, and I got it. I have since learned to ask myself some important questions when dealing with my clutter, which is defined as anything I don’t use.
- I am now in my so-called third act of life. I certainly don’t want to burden my son and his wife with making decisions that I should have made about my stuff after I am gone!
- I realize it is time to make some decisions about my stuff and what I need to get rid of, even if it is hard.
- Decluttering involves so much decision-making, which is why it is so hard for some of us! However, teaching a movie on tv is much easier than sorting through a pile of clutter, and watching a movie on TV trumps the accumulation of clutter every single time!
- What happens when we don’t decide on the stuff to keep and the property to get rid of is that we end up stuffing drawers and closets full of our indecisions. We end up with piles and piles of delay.
- Sometimes our clutter gets us to rent a storage unit outside our home!
- This is never a good idea, in my opinion. Especially when ditching the $ 200-a-month storage fee could soon equal a fabulous vacation. Yes, our indecisions can cost us big bucks and lots of stress.
- So force yourself to make decisions about your stuff. If it is too hard, enlist the help of a friend who will have a different perspective.
- It is good to remember that having less stuff makes it easier to clean your home and find items you need.