DECIDE – Decide when you will start – mark it on your calendar or planner. Unless you treat it like it is important, like a doctor’s appointment, you will never get “around to it”! Decide what “zone” you will be working on, get materials, fil plan of attack sheet, and take the photo.
DO IT- you do the actual sorting and storing in logical ways – watch that you don’t overdo it!
See the rules below.
DEAL WITH IT– empty out/transport your sort boxes (use a resource list)
DECLARE VICTORY – This is when you take the after photo, post your sign, and declare victory! You can even dance if you feel like it!
DEVELOP NEW HABITS – this is the hardest part – keeping your zone/room/home the way you worked so hard to get it! This is where your habits and routines will help you maintain! I cover this in another blog!
One-Motion: Does it take one motion to get and put away this item?
Well-Confined and Defined – Does this item have a specific home, and is it defined well?
Labels – this will make it more likely that your item will find its way back to its home!
Primary: For the items you use every day and need to have very handy. Examples: handsoap, eyeglass cleaner & cloth, pens, scissors,and eating utensils.
Secondary: For items you use weekly or monthly, you can go a few steps to get to it. Examples: muffin tin, blender, hobby stuff, extra grocery items
Long Term: For items you use maybe once or twice a year and may not be so handy to get to it. Examples: luggage, seasonal decorations, turkey platter
Other Helpful Rules:
2-MINUTE RULE: If something takes you less than 2 minutes to do, d0 it immediately.
20-20 RULE: If you spent less than $20 on an item or it takes less than 20 minutes to get it, get another one – don’t save it for someday or just in case.
20-80 RULE: We usually use only 20 percent of items in our home eighty percent of the time. Maybe it is time to reevaluate the 80 percent you are not using.
Clothing RULE: Only four things to do with clothing: Hang it, Hamper it, Hook it, or Hide it in a drawer. Put away clean laundry right after you launder it. Hang things you will wear again soon on a hook – like your current jacket, your bathrobe etc.
5-Minute Pick-Up: If it takes you longer than 5 minutes to get order in a room, you probably have too much stuff in that room.
RUBBER BAND RULE: To keep surfaces clear, pretend there is a giant rubber band on each item, snapping it back into its home after using it.