I set my goal of working on my paperwork sorting/scanning project for 1 hour per day.
I set my deadline for completion of the sorting phase of the project for the end of the month
I wanted to complete the scanning part of the project by year’s end.
I now realize these goals were very unrealistic for me
since I had several other projects I was working on.
We moved in July into a new place and suddenly I had over a dozen projects.
I don’t want to put off my paperwork project any longer because I need to have papers easy to find.
I took all my papers out of notebooks several months ago thinking that I wanted to go paperless.
instead of having all those notebooks taking up space in my home.
I still think it was a good idea
but I should have waited until I was ready to do all the scanning of those papers before I took them out of the notebooks!
I now know that that was a big mistake!
I think 10 minutes a day is a good start.
If it works into more minutes that is fine, but at least I have a more realistic goal.
I also reset my end goal for all the scanning for March of next year.
I will be taking a little bite out of my paper mess each day and I know I will feel so much better!
I believe now that I have written the end date down on my calendar,
I will be more likely to achieve this goal.
I will share my big reward when I complete this project.
If I realized how much better my life will be when I am paperless,
I would start my project.
I would be able to find any paper on my computer in just seconds!
All I would have to do is do a “search” on it in my documents and then it would appear on my screen in just one second!
How cool that would be!
So yes, keep this in mind when procrastinating any project – how much better you will feel to not
have this nagging you in the back of your mind.
And how much time you will save,
how less stressful your life will be when you aren’t spending
so much time looking for something.
You need to set up not just one big reward at the end of the project.
You need to reward yourself several times along the way!
I have a friend that lost 100 pounds doing this.
She broke that overwhelming amount of pounds into several five-pound segments.
She rewarded herself after losing each of those five pounds.
She chose to buy jewelry.
It was something she could wear at any weight along the way to her final goal.
I sold jewelry at the time,
so it worked great for both of us
She reached her goal
and not only did she have a
trimmer, healthier self,
she had several lovely pieces of jewelry to enjoy!
Your rewards don’t have to be jewelry,
but they need to be something you like having or doing.
How long have you been procrastinating on an important project?
Have you figured out why?
Next week, I plan on telling you three more ways to avoid procrastinating.
Love these vlogs-great 🎶 music & smart, timely & necessary tips for MAKING MY LIFE BETTER💛❤️🧡❣️